Updating tv_grab_de_tvtoday on a KnoppMyth installation
So I decided to go ahead and buy the Hauppauge PVR 500. To make it fit in the AOpen case I removed the built-in card-readers which occupy the 3.5" slot. This is not the nicest solution but it serves my purpose for the time being (i.e. not having a spare 2.5" harddisk).
After installing KnoppMyth (and the latest ivtv 0.4.0, because the one that comes with KnoppMyth is way too old), I wanted to grab the TV listing from TV-Today (I'm in Germany). The version that comes with KnoppMyth is not working due to changes on the TV-Today website, so I had to install an update. There seems to be no doc (at least I could not find one), so here is what I did:
1.) Download http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/xmltv/xmltv/grab/de_tvtoday/tv_grab_de_tvtoday.in
2.) Replace your current tv_grab_de_tvtoday with this file (renaming it, i.e. removing the ".in"). In KnoppMyth it's in /usr/bin
3.) Make the file executable (chmod 755 tv_grab_de_tvtoday)
4.) Open the file using your favorite text-editor, e.g. nano -w tv_grab_de_tvtoday, and locate the line starting my $SHARE_DIR=undef; and replace the undef by "/usr/share/xmltv" (including the quotes!). Of course, if xmltv is installed in a different dir on your system you should change this line to the appropriate path.
5.) Download http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/xmltv/xmltv/grab/de_tvtoday/channel_ids
6.) Copy the file to the correct xmltv-sub-directory. Again, on KnoppMyth this is /usr/share/xmltv/tv_grab_de_tvtoday/.
7.) Run mythfilldatabase --manual. This time, it should start grabbing (which, by the way, can take a very long time). After a while (10-60 minutes), it should prompt you with some info it needs from you. You should know what to do from here on.
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