"Hier staunt der Laie und Fachmann wundert sich."

Mittwoch, Oktober 26, 2005

KnoppMyth: Enabling password protection of MythWeb

You created a htpasswd-file and changed the .htaccess-file but MythWeb still does not prompt for password? The reason could be that .htaccess files are being ignored by apache. This can be configured in /etc/apache/httpd.conf.

Look for lines reading

This means that apache will ignore your .htaccess files altogether. Note that they usually is more then one line of this kind. If you are on an intranet and you just want to keep certain users from accessing your mythweb, then all you need to do is change the appropriate line to:

"The appropriate line" is the one that pertains to the /var/www directory. If you are not sure about this then you should consider reading the documentation at www.apache.org. Don't forget to restart apache afterwards (/etc/init.d/apache restart).